– Aviation & Photography –
My two passions combined

An Autumnal view of Spelga Dam, Co Down.

Thank you for taking an interest in my passions!

Aerial photography is an exhilarating and captivating discipline that offers a unique perspective of our world. From high above, it unveils a mesmerizing tapestry of landscapes, cityscapes, and natural wonders, allowing us to appreciate the beauty of our planet in ways we seldom experience on the ground.

The thrill of capturing images from the sky is heightened for me by the technical challenges involved, as an aerial photographer must navigate aircraft, drones, or even kites to get the perfect shot.

Aerial photography also plays a crucial role in various fields, including cartography, environmental monitoring, and urban planning, making it not just exciting but also immensely valuable.

Whether capturing stunning sunsets over mountains, revealing intricate patterns of city streets, or documenting the vastness of natural phenomena, aerial photography is a thrilling blend of art and science that continues to inspire awe and wonder.

Feel free to check out my latest pictures, or my Galleries dedicated to different subject matter – both of which are accessible by selecting from the menu at the top of this page.

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